Eco Root is made up of water soluble Potassium Humate. It provides all essential nutrients and elements for the balanced growth of crops. It stimulates flowering and overall growth of crops. It stimulates chlorophyll synthesis as well as new tissue generation. Provides additional energy for better yield. Reduces pre-dropping of flowers and fruits.
Composition: Water Soluble Potassium Humate.
Eco Root is made up of water soluble Potassium Humate. It provides all essential nutrients and elements for the balanced growth of crops. It stimulates flowering and overall growth of crops. It stimulates chlorophyll synthesis as well as new tissue generation. Provides additional energy for better yield. Reduces pre-dropping of flowers and fruits.
Composition: Water Soluble Potassium Humate.
Foliar Spray:
Approximately, dilute 20gm of It in 15 Liter of water and spray using foliar spray over both side of leaves in early morning.
Soil Application:
Apply 400-500 gm It in one acer.
Seed Treatment:
Apply 20gm of It for 1 kg of seeds and soak them for 1hr.
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